SP500 Keltner Channel Trader

Required membership: Free (Activate the plan here)

Type: Breakout

TimeFrame: H1

Profit factor 1.62

Instrument: CFD indices

Supported platforms: MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, StrategyQuant

Creating modern trading strategies today often combines classic technical indicators, generation from templates and artificial intelligence. The process begins with choosing a template that provides the basic structure of a strategy for trading in high volatility markets. This template uses proven indicators that track average price movements and volatility.

Artificial intelligence then comes into play as an analytical tool that processes huge amounts of historical data. AI identifies patterns and optimizes parameters, increasing the accuracy of predictions. The combination of templates, indicators and results in a sophisticated, adaptive strategy that constantly learns and adapts to changing market conditions.

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MagicNumber: 840111471
Main Chart: Current symbol and timeframe

Trading Options
Weekend Trading: Allowed (Friday 00:38 – Sunday 00:38)
Daily Exit: Disabled (15:00)
Friday Exit: Enabled at 19:00
Max Trades/Day: No limit
Stop Loss (SL) and Profit Target (PT): 0.3% SL, 1.5% PT

Entry Signals
Long Entry: Triggered when (ADX DI Minus(Main chart)[2] changes direction downwards).
Short Entry: Triggered when (Low(Main chart)[2] is higher than Lowest(Main chart, Period1, PRICE_CLOSE)[2] for 3 bars at 2 bar ago).

Entry Rules
Long Entry: Opens long orders at (KeltnerChannel(Main chart,KeltnerChannelPeriod 174, 2.08).Upper[2] + (PriceEntryMultiplier 0,6 * SmallestRange(Main chart, SmallestRangePeriod 292)[1])) Stop;
Order valid for 111 bars;
SL: 0.3%, PT: 0.2%.
Trailing Stop: 4.7 × ATR(250), activated at 1 × ATR(232).

Short Entry: Opens short orders at (KeltnerChannel(Main chart,KeltnerChannelPeriod 203, 3.53).Lower[1] – (PriceEntryMultiplier 0.5 * BiggestRange(Main chart, BiggestRangePeriod 14)[2])) Stop;
Order valid for 11 bars.
SL: 0.3%, PT: 1.5%.
Trailing Stop: 4.2 × ATR(134), activated at 1.6 × ATR(147).

Exit Rules
Long Exit: Closes the full position if the market is long and no LongExitSignal is active.
Short Exit: Closes the full position if the market is short and no ShortExitSignal is active.


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